Two Brothers Rescued from The Amazon After Four Weeks

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Two young brothers, Glauco and Gleison Ferreira, were previously stranded in the Amazon Rainforest after simply chasing birds and drifting away from their family. For four long weeks the Ferreira family had thought that they would never see their children again as local emergency services made the improper decision to stop their search during the end of February 2022. However, citizens residing in the local area refused to lose these kids without a fight and continued the search that was now led by only themselves: Glauco and Gleison are repordelty only eight and six years old.

This past Tuesday, March 22nd, both children were officially found by a tree cutter who happened upon them during a walk through the woods. The anonymous man immediately contacted the authorities who picked up the boys that same day and are currently hospitalized for malnourishment. Reports claim that the boys were found and rescued approximately 3.7 miles away from the village of Palmeira in the Lago Capanã where the children were last seen beside their parents; they spent a total of 36 days in the most secluded part of the Brazilian Amazon during the most brutal season of them all. 

The most recent incident that relates to this specific event comes from a 2008 case in which an 18-year-old boy got removed from his group in one of the most remote corners of the Amazon. The young man was claimed to be going hunting until he lost track of his route and was pronounced dead on the scene after being found shortly after. If the past shows us anything, it is that the two boys, Glauco and Gleison, are extremely lucky to be alive as many prayers go out to them and their loved ones who were put through temporary trauma. 


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    I'm a 24-year Hispanic journalist on a mission to provide insight and coverage on trending topics and happenings within the Latin community. I am also passionate about music and art aswell.

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