Twitter Debuts New “For You” Feed Alternative With Newest Update

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Shortly after Instagram’s previous discontinuation of its widely-used Shopping tab, Twitter CEO Elon Musk swiftly took it upon himself to update his own respected social media application as well. Announced to consumers earlier this past week (Jan. 10), Musk officially introduced a brand new “For You” alternative tab so the service’s algorithm can produce a more organized and mainstream feed option. 

In response to the platform’s latest changes, consumers are noticing an extreme resemblance to Twitter’s competing social media application, TikTok. “When did Twitter become TikTok,” one anonymous influencer posted to their account. “Ah, doing what he does best: appropriating other people’s ideas and work… Typical @elonmusk.,” another user wrote. 

Musk also released a short statement regarding Twitter’s once impending update back in December of last year — “Its [Twitter] timeline should allow for an easy sideways swipe between top, latest, trending, and topics that you follow.” The multi-billionaire previously purchased the popular social networking service for a whopping total of $44 billion back in October 2022.


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