Popular supercar manufacturer, Ferrari, has officially debuted its first-ever 4-door 4-seating car. Released to the public earlier this past week, the unique car embodies various up-to-date features along with enabling the driver to experience the smoothest ride possible. The company titled the car ‘The Purosangue’ which includes a 6.5 liter, V12 715-horsepower engine, assisting in the vehicle’s overall value of an eye-boggling $389,000 USD (390,000 euros) – the second most expensive car since the distribution of the SF90 hybrid sports car (440,000 euros). The corporation has confirmed that they will begin administering the vehicles to their specific buyers throughout the second quarter of the new year in Europe, the third quarter in the United States, and globally by the end of 2023.
The Purosangue: Ferrari Unveils New 4-Door Vehicle