The highly anticipated trailer for the sequel to Creed III has officially arrived. The film will see a return from Micheal B. Jordan as Adonis Creed in it’s 3rd installment, son of Rocky Balboa’s fiercest opponent, Apollo Creed. Just like Sylvester Stallone went on to aid in producing four of the franchise’s films, Jordan looks to do the same in his directorial debut. Watch the full trailer below.
[Watch] The Official ‘Creed III” Movie Trailer Is Here
The highly anticipated trailer for the sequel to Creed III has officially arrived. The film will see a return from Micheal B. Jordan as Adonis Creed in it’s 3rd installment, son of Rocky Balboa’s fiercest opponent, Apollo Creed. Just like Sylvester Stallone went on to aid in producing four of the franchise’s films, Jordan looks to do the same in his directorial debut. Watch the full trailer below.