Quavo appeared surprised when an overseas fan unveiled his tattoo during a chance encounter. The rapper, who recently participated in Milan, Italy’s “Vultures Listening Experience” for Kanye West and Ty Dolla Sign’s Vultures 1, was caught off guard when a fan named Daniele Cavarretta, 24, revealed a back tattoo featuring Quavo’s face alongside Post Malone’s. The unexpected moment was captured in an undated video circulating on social media, showcasing the fan’s dedication to the rapper.
Quavo Reacts After Meeting Fan With Giant Back Tattoo of Rapper’s Face
Quavo appeared surprised when an overseas fan unveiled his tattoo during a chance encounter. The rapper, who recently participated in Milan, Italy’s “Vultures Listening Experience” for Kanye West and Ty Dolla Sign’s Vultures 1, was caught off guard when a fan named Daniele Cavarretta, 24, revealed a back tattoo featuring Quavo’s face alongside Post Malone’s. The unexpected moment was captured in an undated video circulating on social media, showcasing the fan’s dedication to the rapper.
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