Earth Population Of 8 Billion People Creates New Challenges For Many

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As humans all across the globe continue to reproduce and extend the generational life of their families as much as they please, there is only room and supplies on the planet to create a steady and healthy environment for them all. Updated this Tuesday, November 15, 2022, representatives of the United Nations officially announced that the total population of human beings reached a new high of over 8 billion people across the entire world.  

However, while some people may find this news to be exciting, others fear how the effects of overpopulation may start showing themselves quicker than expected. “We are already overstretching what we have,” Nigeria-based urban planning and development consultant Gyang Dalyop publicly stated. “The housing, roads, the hospitals, schools. Everything is overstretched.” The United Nations even expressed these impending problems in their official report this past Tuesday: “The population in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to double between 2022 and 2050, putting additional pressure on already strained resources and challenging policies aimed to reduce poverty and inequalities.”

The U.N. also shed light on how some of the present-day most fertile countries might have to change course by limiting their citizens to just two children per woman in the upcoming future. Even with an unlimited reproduction limit being put at risk, most people are worried about how this recent information will affect the Earth’s climate as a whole. “There is also a greater pressure on the environment, increasing the challenges to food security that is also compounded by climate change — reducing inequality while focusing on adapting and mitigating climate change should be where our policymakers’ focus should be,” the president of the Public Health Foundation of India Dr. Srinath Reddy claimed.


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