Demi Lovato Shares Her Concern With Extraterrestrial

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This past week, Demi Lovato held an exclusive interview beside Erin Lim of E! News’ The Rundown, in which the singer would give her unique opinions on extraterrestrial beings. The 29-year-old artist was asked if the rumors were true about her alleged upcoming song titled “Aliens.” She immediately switched the topic from her music to focus on the specific word ‘alien,’ as if she were to name a song in relation to that title, then it would be called “extraterrestrials.” The sole reason being due to the young artist claiming that the term ‘alien’ is a “derogatory” word even for beings not from this planet. 

She stated during the interview: “I do not have a song called ‘Aliens,’ it sounds cool. My fans should know that I do not call them ‘aliens’ because ‘aliens’ is a derogatory term for anything, even extraterrestrials. Which is why I call them ETs.” This opened a clear door for a follow-up question, in which Lim asked if Demi would consider creating a song in relation to that title. Demi simply responded with, “I feel like Katy Perry already did it,” followed by a group laugh. The “Cool for the Summer” artist was making a reference back to Katy Perry’s 2011, eight-times platinum-certified single “E.T..”

There is no doubt that social media has become increasingly “soft” over the years, meaning one has to clearly watch what they say in order not offend anyone over the internet; most will agree that that is not easy in today’s climate. With that being said, it is understandable why Demi Lovato chose to explain her reasoning behind not using the term ‘alien’ in any way, shape, or form. On the other hand, if creatures not from this earth are no longer being considered aliens, then what exactly are they?


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