The highly popular Netflix drama series, Squid Game, took the entire world by storm after officially being released to the public on September 17, 2021. The original Korean series consists of 456 selected players who optionally enter a list of life-threatening games in order to win the multi-million dollar cash prize and pay off their individual debts. Within just months after its release, season 1 had already received a plethora of positive feedback from not only its viewers, but the well-deserved attention it deserves from critics. Creator, director, and executive producer Hwang Dong-hyuk and other casting stars such as Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Oh Yeong-su, Wi Ha-joon, and Jung Ho-Yeon propelled the season to be awarded a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes, along with an impressive 1.65 billion hours of viewing within its first 28 days of publication.
Most recently, announced this past Sunday, June 12, 2022, the series uploaded an official post to their Instagram account that confirmed the making of Squid Game season 2. The post read:
“It took 12 years to bring the first season of ‘Squid Game’ to life last year. But it took 12 days for ‘Squid Game’ to become the most popular Netflix series ever. As the writer, director, and producer of ‘Squid Game,’ a huge shout-out to fans all around the world. Thank you for watching and loving our show… And now, Gi-hun returns. The Front Man returns. Season 2 is coming. The man in the suit with ddakji might be back. You’ll also be introduced to Young-hee’s boyfriend, Cheol-su – Join us once more for a whole new round.”