CDC Updates Monkeypox Treatment After First Human-To-Dog Transmission Case

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The CDC has just released its newest update on the uncontrollable monkeypox outbreak currently taking place across the United States. Motivating the CDC to do so was none other than the highly unexpected transmission of the disease into domesticated animals: Dogs. The first official case of human-to-dog monkeypox transmission was previously reported this past week, arguably making this specific virus one of the most un[redictabel of them all. 

Medical researchers went on to state in an exclusive study that was published in The Lancet — “To the best of our knowledge, the kinetics of symptom onset in both patients and, subsequently, in their dog suggest human-to-dog transmission of the monkeypox virus… Our findings should prompt debate on the need to isolate pets from monkeypox virus-positive individuals.” The CDC is advising humans who have tested positive for monkeypox to not only quarantine from other human beings, but also from any household pets that they fear might adapt to the seemingly contagious disease. Various states have already taken serious precautions by announcing a “state of emergency” to their citizens, however, the rest of the nation can only hope that the monkeypox outbreak does not turn into another country-wide pandemic.


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