California Passes Law To Protect Workers From Using Cannabis Outside Of Work 

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California is presently in the process of assembling a law that will indefinitely protect employees who use marijuana outside of work. Looking to quickly become the seventh official state to do so, this specific bill will complement the similar others that have been implemented by states such as Connecticut, New Jersey, Montana, New York, Rhode Island, and Nevada. The law will have the power to shield employees from termination if they test positive for cannabis usage with the exception of the worker not being under the influence at the time of the test.

A “job killer” is what the California Chamber of Commerce said this new bill will turn into. “It will create an unprecedented, protected class for marijuana users and undermine employers’ ability to provide a safe and drug-free workplace… Put simply: marijuana use is not the same as protecting workers against discrimination based on race or national origin.” according to the CCC. Secretary-treasurer for the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 324, Matt Bell, went on to give his opinion on the future of the new law — “Using outdated cannabis tests only causes employees to feel unsafe and harassed at work, it does not increase workplace safety.”


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