Bobby Shmurda Gives Back To NYC Schools

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Florida-born rapper Bobby Shmurda has been continuously giving back to the community through his music and extraordinary acts of kindness to his home state of New York since his official release from Clinton Correctional Facility on February 23, 2021. Bobby quickly became a pillar in the city’s underground music scene with the release of his 2014 hit singles “Hot N***a” and “Bobby B*tch” which launched his multi-million dollar career. Aside from music, the 27-year-old artist has chosen to venture off into helping the local kids and citizens in need who currently reside in the New York City area.  

Shmurda recently announced that he donated a total of 2,000+ backpacks loaded with essential school supplies to three selected schools of his choice: Bronx’s Health and Opportunities High School, Queens’ Eagle Academy for Young Men III, and Harlem’s P.S. 76 A. Philip Randolph. Each individual backpack included various top-of-the-line folders, pencils, notebooks, pens, erasers, pencil cases, and highlighters in order to ensure that every student has the best opportunity to succeed and finish school; there were no students left empty-handed. The young rapper went on to upload a video to his social media accounts that showed a short message that he left at each school that was lucky enough to receive his delivery. 

The clip showed Bobby humbly stating: “I’m dropping some school supplies off for y’all. Y’all please do not give your mommas no trouble this year and please do not give your teachers no trouble. I wanted to say I’m proud of y’all for being brave, for being strong, and for staying in school. Always keep in the back of y’all minds that you guys are unstoppable. You can do anything you set your mind to.” Bobby continues to be an inspiration for children every day as he resumes his plan of bettering himself and only moving forward in life.


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