Woman Sues City After Being Arrested for Feeding Homeless People 

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A local Arizona woman is retaliating after she was arrested and criminally charged for feeding homeless people. According to the New York Post, 78-year-old grandmother Norma Thornton was arrested earlier this year for feeding the homeless in public. Thortan who is a retired restaurant owner before being arrested supplied meals for more than 30 individuals prior to her arrest.

“I’d just finished up serving approximately 26 or 27 people, and the very last person that came through, I literally was scraping the bottom of my pans, finished off the food, gave him, and as he was walking away, these two police officers drove up,” she explained to the Institute of Justice.

The officers told Thornton that she had violated a new city law that restricts the sharing of food in public for safety reasons. For more information see the video below.

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